A multi-dimensional Akashic Activation & Sacred Business Incubator
to hone your gifts as a professional 
Akashic Records Reader,
and to set up your business so that you can sustainably create
consistent 5 figure months,
from a place of
True Heart-Illuminated Service to the Collective.
Unlock Your Divine Potential as a Certified
Akashic Records Reader

This 6-month small group mentorship program is a blend of 

intensive theory and practical application. 

Whether you're just starting out or looking to deepen your existing practice, 

this program is tailored to elevate your skills, expand your awareness, 

and guide you toward creating a sustainable, 

high-impact business that generates 

consistent 5-figure months.

What You’ll Learn
Throughout this transformative journey, you’ll receive transmissions on the following key elements:

  • Holographic Formation of Reality & the Trinity Source Code: Understand the foundational structure of our multi-dimensional reality.

  • Akashic Records Reading Fundamentals: Establish your skill in providing Akashic Readings on the most common topics that arise (past lives, karma, spirit guides, soul purpose, soul contracts, soulmates & twin flames, starseeds).

  • Timeline Creation Mechanics & Encoding for Others: Master the art of creating and encoding timelines to guide others on their soul journey.

  • Akashic Field Timeline Healing: Learn how to heal past, present, and future timelines within the Akashic Field.

  • Quantum Space Clearing: Cleanse and clear quantum spaces of interference, thought forms, and entities.

  • Akashic Key Retrieval & DNA Code Reading: Unlock hidden information within the Akashic Records and read the true history embedded in our DNA.

  • Holographic Healing & Matrix Re-Patterning: Facilitate profound healing through advanced holographic techniques.

  • Sacred Business Temple Creation Support: Receive guidance on establishing and growing your spiritual business in alignment with your soul purpose.

Certification & Beyond

Completing this certification program not only equips you with the skills and knowledge to become a professional Akashic Records Reader but also sets you up for success with exclusive opportunities:

  • Podcast Feature: Showcase your expertise with a guest spot on my popular podcast Third Eye Awakening.

  • Social Media & Email List Promotion: Gain visibility through features on my social media platforms (IG and/or FB Group) and email list, reaching a broader audience eager to connect with your unique gifts.

Why This Program?

This is more than just a certification; it’s an activation of your highest potential. 

The teachings in this program go beyond surface-level understanding, 
delving into the intricate and profound workings of the 
Akashic Field and the quantum realm. 

My unique ability to channel and articulate complex spiritual concepts 
into grounded, practical applications 
ensures that you’ll not only understand the material 
but also embody it, becoming a powerful conduit for healing and transformation.

If you’re ready to step into your role as a professional
Akashic Records Reader,
fully aligned with your soul’s mission and ready to
serve the collective,
then this program is your path forward.

Total of 6 months of small group mentorship  

This is a program centred around theory AND practice.

It includes my foundational program Into the Akasha, as well as 12 examples of my early professional 

Akashic Records Readings,

and pre-arranged practice sessions for honing your gifts & your craft.

Transmissions on the following elements of working within the Akashic Field:

  • Learning about the Holographic formation of reality & the Trinity source code  
  • Past Lives
  • Karma
  • Spirit Guides
  • Soul Purpose & Mission
  • Soul Contracts
  • Soulmates & Twin Flames
  • Starseeds & Galactics
  • Timeline creation mechanics 
  • Timeline encoding for Others 
  • Akashic Field timeline healing  
  • Quantum space clearing 
  • Holographic & astral interference clearing 
  • Akashic key retrieval  
  • DNA code reading & TRUE history fragment retrieval 
  • DNA repair and activation 
  • Soul blueprint reading 
  • Energy constructs, thought forms, emotion forms, entities 
  • Dissolution & the liberation of energy    
  • Holographic healing & matrix re-patterning  
  • Holographic Dream Projection model 
  • Multidimensional awareness of Self   
  • Sacred Business Temple creation support 
  • Christ Code Activations  
  • Money & Wealth energetics as an Akashic Reader or Practitioner
  • Crystal Heart ethics & standards of practice 


PLUS!!  If you complete the certification program:

  • a podcast spot on Third Eye Awakening as an Akashic Records Reader 
  • social media & email list feature (IG/Soul Space Live & share) 

  • Customer
  • Payment

Contact information

Billing address

Use code PRESALE40 for 40% off the regular price!
Enter the code below!

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment of $5555$5555.00
  • Preferred option
    2 monthly payments of $28882x $2888.00
  • Preferred option
    4 monthly payments of $14774x $1477.00
  • Preferred option
    6 monthly payments of $9996x $999.00
  • Preferred option
    8 monthly payments of $7508x $750.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Akashic Holographic Mastery$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xAkashic Holographic Mastery$0

All prices in USD