Discover Your Soul Blueprint Through the Akashic Records
Have you ever wondered about your own Soul Journey?

Your past lives?...

Your karma?...

Your soul purpose?...

Your soul origins & possible starseed connections?...

Your relationships & soul contracts?...

I can tell you firsthand, that discovering this information about yourself is 

truly life-changing, in the most amazing ways.

It is like we're all walking through life with amnesia-- we can't remember 

Who We Really Are.

And when we can't remember ourself as a Soul, it is hard to find purpose, clarity and 

confidence in the path we choose for ourself in THIS life.

But when you DO remember who you are as a Soul... suddenly everything begins to make so much more sense.

You remember why you came...

what you're here to do...

who is important to you and why...

and so much more.

This is a deep dive into your Soul Journey
to discover
past lives, karmic themes, soul contracts,
soul purpose, soul origins, starseed connections
& so much more.

Through the portal of this program you will become calibrated to the frequency of
the Akashic Records,
allowing you to access this wellspring
of Sacred Wisdom for yourself,
to receive guidance & clarity that will serve you
through your entire life.

This 4 month group Akashic Deep Dive to help you discover the Blueprint of your Soul.

Starting Aug 22, 2024, 

we go for 4 months (until Dec Solstice) 

to explore the beauty, mystery & magic of your Soul Code, 

through the Akashic Records.

At the end of this journey you will have so much clarity of 

Who You Really Are, 

what you’re here to do, 

what you’re here to learn, heal & resolve, 

your soul-gifts, 

what you’ve lived through in past lifetimes, 

why you chose THIS life, 

 and the origins of your Soul. 

 With this clarity you will be able to make the changes in your life that bring you into alignment with your Soul Code, 

so that you can live a life of PURPOSE & MEANING. 

 So that you can do work that satisfies you Soul while paying your Human bills. 

So that you can magnetize relationships that nourish you, and heal relationships that are painful & strained. 

So that you can break free of frustrating patterns. 

So that you can LOVE this life that you’re living.

Do you ever feel like there’s gotta be something more to life…
a deeper purpose you’re meant to fulfill...
but it’s just out of reach?

It’s as if you’re here to do something significant, something that aligns with the very essence of who you are… but you can’t remember what it is. 

 Maybe you wake up every morning with a low-key feeling of numbness & dread… 
you have to force yourself to get up & get ready to go spend the majority of your day and your energy doing something that you don’t even care about. 

 You drink more coffee than you should. 
 You eat things that don’t actually support your health. 
 And you SCROLL… god you scroll. 
You’re just trying to get through the day… week… month… year… life.

And it’s not even necessarily that you’re depressed 

(although sometimes it feels that way…) 

it’s just that you can feel that you’re living out of alignment. 

And you don’t know how to change it. 

 You want to change! 

 You deeply desire a life of fulfillment, meaning & purpose 

(plus more money would be dope too). 

 You just have no idea what path to take. 

 You don’t know what you’re here to do, you don’t know what your Soul Purpose is… 

so you just keep doing what you’ve been doing...

and you stay stuck.

From muggle rat-race hell  to  Soul-Aligned Akashic Freedom: My Story

It took me almost 2 decades of adulthood to find my Soul Code 

and change my life. 


Throughout my 20’s and my early 30’s I floundered. 

I mean I was a hot mess.  

I KNEW I was here for a reason. 

I knew that I had a purpose and a strong sense of mission… but I couldn’t remember 

what it was.  

Not only that, but I didn’t understand the whole money thing. 


I struggled with work… 

not that I was lazy!

I just… didn’t understand WHY we all accept a paradigm wherein we spend 

most of our time & energy 

doing stuff we don’t particularly enjoy, 

just to make a measly paycheque that often barely covers our bills. 

 I was a round, twirly, corkscrew peg trying to fit into a square hole.  

I remember feeling like this can’t be all there is to life.  

And like… I KNEW there was more, but I couldn’t remember myself. 

I couldn’t remember my Soul, my gifts, my purpose.  

Most of the time I felt drained & very very sad.

What changed it all was my beautiful son Cillian, who was born 3 months early, 
and he died when he was 20 days old. 

 While this was by far the most painful event of suffocating darkness 
I have ever experienced… 
it also cracked me open and attuned me to the spiritual realms and my Soul. 

 Through the darkness of grief I found the Akashic Records, and dove in. 
 What I learned set me free. 

Through the Akashic Records I was able to learn WHY Cillian had died
(on a spiritual level... I already knew the cause of his death)
and this understanding completely healed & re-made me.

But it didn't stop there.

 I learned my Soul Code. 
 Why I was born. 
 My past lives. 
My karmic lessons. 
My soul contracts & soulmate relationships. 
My soul purpose & soul mission. 
My gifts, my soul origins and my starseed connections. 

 With this depth of understanding I found in the Akashic Records, I have been able to completely re-create my life.  

I now work as a spiritual teacher, content creator, mentor & Akashic Oracle.  

I adore my work, and I receive more money doing this than I ever did in my matrix jobs.  

I feel ALIVE every single day. 

I feel no fear of the ups & downs life has for me. 

I feel connected to the spiritual realms & the magic of the universe in every moment.  

The difference feels like night & day.  

I am in a state of constant gratitude for my son Cillian, the Akashic Records, 

and for myself and my willingness to pursue this path. 

 But I don’t want to keep it all to myself.  

I want to share this with you. I want you to feel this way too.

 I want you to change your life and create a more abundant, satisfying & Soul-aligned reality than you can even imagine.  

Because you can.  

Let me show you.

Imagine a life where you wake up every day with a profound sense of purpose, clarity, and alignment with your true self. 

 A life where you not only understand why you’re here, but you’re actively living in harmony with your Soul’s highest calling. 

Imagine being able to spend your days doing work that makes your 
Soul sing, while also making the money you need to take care of your 
3D bills and enjoy your life! 

 Imagine being able to navigate your personal relationships with the clarity of your Soul perspective while fulfilling your soul contracts. 

 Imagine feeling exhilaration at being alive. 
 Feeling constant connection to the Magic of the Universe, the Truth of your Soul, 
and The Divine.

Through this program we’re going to explore the concept of your Soul Code, and how you can use it as a key to unlock your Highest Timeline. 

 Next we’re going to dive into the Akashic Records.
 I’ll teach you how to access this database of sacred wisdom & information in order to retrieve your soul memories and explore your Soul. 

 I will guide you through multiple facets of your Soul, such as past lives, karma, soulmates & soul contracts, soul purpose & life mission, soul gifts, soul origins, etc. 
to discover your Soul Code. 

 On the other side of this journey together you will have a whole new level of remembering of Who You Really Are, WHY you’re here, and what you’re here to do in this life.

This program is your invitation to step into the life you were 
always meant to live. 

It’s more than just an educational experience—it’s a complete transformation 
of your being. 

By the end of these four months, you’ll have shed the layers of 
doubt, fear, and confusion 
that have kept you from fully embracing your purpose. 

You’ll emerge with a crystal-clear understanding of Who You Really Are 
and the confidence to create a life in perfect alignment with your 
Soul’s blueprint. 

Akashic Soul Code Activation isn’t just another program—it’s the key to unlocking the truth of your existence. 

If you’re ready to remember, to activate, and to live as your highest self, then this is your moment. 

Say YES to your soul’s calling. 
Say YES to the life you were always meant to live.


  If you are unhappy with your job, but you don’t know what else to do, that will fulfill your Soul while paying your 3D bills… 

  If you feel so strongly like you’re here for a REASON but you can’t remember what it is… 

  If you’ve been getting tiny bits of clarity, hints of past life memories, messages from your Soul… but you can’t quite piece it together and understand what to do with it… 

 If you have a good life but you still feel like you’re missing something deeper… 


 Akashic Soul Code Activation will guide you to the understanding & clarity that you’ve been yearning for so that you can move forward with confidence in creating a life 
that lights you up! 

 Think of this as uncovering a map that guides you through the labyrinth of life. 
 When you have your map, it is much easier to move forward in the direction 
you truly want to go.

What You Will Learn:

Akashic Soul Code Activation is a transformative 4-month group program created to guide you on a deep, Soul-level journey of discovery and activation. 

This isn’t just about learning—it’s about becoming. 

You’ll immerse yourself in the wisdom of the Akashic Records, unlocking the secrets of your Soul’s blueprint, and uncovering the divine purpose that has always been within you. 

Through this program, you will: 

Learn to Read the Akashic Records for Yourself:
Gain the tools and confidence to access this infinite well of wisdom anytime you need guidance, clarity, or healing. 

Experience Powerful Guided Meditations & Akashic Exploration Prompts:
Dive deep into the core of your being with meditations and prompts specifically designed to help you uncover and activate your Soul Code. 

Receive Deep Transmissions on Every Aspect of the Soul Code: 
Each week, you’ll receive profound teachings that will illuminate the unique aspects of your soul’s blueprint, helping you to fully embody your divine potential. 

Join a Supportive Community of Like-Minded Souls: 
You won’t be walking this path alone. Our private Telegram group offers a space for connection, co-creation, and unwavering support as you share this journey with others who are just as committed to their soul’s evolution. 

Get Personalized Guidance with Monthly Akashic Group Readings: 
As you explore the depths of your soul, I’ll be there to provide clarity and insight through monthly group readings, ensuring that you’re never stuck or uncertain on your path.

The Framework:

  • Introduction: Understanding the Soul Code as the Key to Your Highest Timeline
  • Month 1: Exploring Past Lives & Karma Uncover past life influences and karmic patterns that shape your current reality. 

  • Month 2: Soulmates & Soul Contracts Understand the deeper connections and agreements with others that guide your relationships. 

  • Month 3: Soul Purpose & Life Mission Clarify your divine mission and how it aligns with your soul’s blueprint. 

  • Month 4: Soul Origins, Soul Gifts & Starseed Connections Discover your soul’s origins, unique gifts, and potential starseed connections.

Akashic Soul Code Activation goes far beyond surface-level teachings.

This is not just another spiritual course...

it’s an immersive, soul-level journey designed to bring you into 

profound alignment with your true self. 

Through this program, you’ll delve deep into the Akashic Records, 

guided by teachings that don’t just skim the surface but instead reach into the core of your soul’s essence. 

 What truly sets this program apart is the depth and richness of the material, combined with the unique magic I bring as a channel and guide. 

I have the ability to articulate complex and nuanced spiritual topics in a way that makes them not only accessible but also deeply resonant and transformative. 

My approach isn’t about abstract concepts or lofty ideals—every teaching is grounded in practical wisdom that you can immediately apply to your life, allowing for real, lasting transformation.  

As we journey together, you’ll be supported at the deepest levels. 

My skill in the Akashic Records-- gained through 500+ Akashic readings-- allows me to hold space for you in a way that’s both powerful and nurturing. 

I’ll guide you to uncover your unique Soul Code, illuminating the aspects of your divine blueprint that have been hidden from view. 

This isn’t just about learning—it’s about remembering, activating, and embodying the truth of who you really are.

Discover, activate & understand your own Soul Code.

By understanding and working with your Soul Code, you can navigate your life with greater awareness, purpose, and alignment with your true self. 

You can identify and heal past traumas, release karmic patterns, and transform limiting beliefs that have been holding you in dense & painful lower Timelines. 

Aligning with your soul code helps you discover and fulfill your life’s purpose. 

It provides clarity and direction, guiding you toward meaningful and fulfilling experiences. It empowers you to live authentically, embracing your unique gifts and contributions to the world. 

  • Overcome the Veil of Amnesia: Reconnect with your Soul and remember Who You Really Are. 
  • Clarity and Purpose: Align with your Soul’s Blueprint to create a life full of meaning and purpose. 
  • Profound Transformation: Experience a deep, lasting transformation as you step into your true power.


As soon as you sign up you will receive instant access to all of the bonuses, 
which will allow you to dive in and start to experience 
the Akashic Records 
and additional activations right away. 
 No need to wait. 

I recommend starting with Into the Akasha, and dipping into any other bonuses from there. 

 Soon after you join you will receive an email with a link to join the private Telegram group, where new Transmission will drop and where you can find the other Souls who are taking this journey along with you. 

 Our first official call will be August 22nd @ 12pm ET, and it will be a deep dive into Understanding the Soul Code as a Key to Your Highest Timeline. 

 This will give you the foundation to dive into all of the new material to come! 

 All calls (including this one) will be recorded in case you aren’t able to attend live. 

 As with everything in life, the more of your time, energy & attention you put into it, the more you will get out of it. 
 That being said, this program is designed to work around your busy schedule (and mine!) and will only require a minimum of 3-4 hours a week to really experience results. 

That is less than an hour a day, so time should not be a barrier to anyone.
Bonuses: Additional Value to Enhance Your Journey

1. Into the Akasha: My signature program & your gateway to the Akashic Records. 

2. The Galactic Gateway Workshop: A deep dive exploration of starseeds and galactic groups. 

3. The Spirit Guides Masterclass: Learn how to connect with your spirit guides. 

4. Holographic Field of Light 3-Part Masterclass: Elevate your spiritual understanding of this reality. 

5.Transcend Masterclass: Transcend the illusion of the false matrix. 

6. 5D Lightbridge Masterclass: Becoming the bridge to higher dimensions. 

7. The Lightcodes Audio Collection: Unlock the frequencies of Light within.

Here is my vision for you:

Through this journey together and beyond, you will remember yourself as a Soul.  

You will remember the relevant details of past lives, karmic patterns, soul contracts, lessons… 

you will remember your soul purpose & life mission, your unique soul gifts, 

your soul origins, and the meaning of your life. 

 With this information you will have unparalleled clarity around how to 

navigate this lifetime: 

what to do, what to learn, what to heal, what create, what work to do in exchange for money, how to have the most meaningful & powerful impact you can have, so that when you are taking your last breaths and you are ready to make the transition out of this life… you feel absolutely fucking satisfied and PROUD of what you created and how you showed up.No more complacency.  Now it is time to unlock your Soul Code.

In this journey you will be guided through my channeled transmissions,

meditations & journal prompts

to be able to connect with your own Sacred Akashic Records

so that you can begin to fill in the puzzle of your

exquisitely beautiful Soul.

And every month we will do an Akashic Group Reading to help you gain further clarity

if you are feeling unsure or stuck.

Together we will explore your Soul through the lens of:

-past lives & karma

-soulmates & soul contracts

-soul purpose & soul mission

-soul origins & starseed connections

What you get:

- 4 months of Akashic Records group mentorship

- monthly Akashic Group Readings for personalized support

- brand new, exclusive transmissions on the various aspects of our Soul Journey through the frequency & perspective of the Akashic Records

- a private community for masterminding & expansion

Including these bonuses:

Into The Akasha 

($888 value)

The Spirit Guides Masterclass

($222 Value)

Galactic Gateway: The Workshop

($333 value)


Transcend: The Masterclass ($111 value)

5D Lightbridge: The Masterclass ($111 value)

Holographic Field of Light 3-part masterclass ($333 value)

The Lightcodes Audio Series ($222 value)

This is all about:

 Calibrating you to the Akashic Records, so they become accessible to you 

• Creating a Personal Experience of Soul Discovery 

• and Deep Soul Code Activation

  • What are the Akashic Records, and do I need prior experience to join this program?
    The Akashic Records are an energetic database that contains the soul’s history, experiences, and potential. No prior experience is necessary to join this program. Whether you’re new to the Akashic Records or have some experience, this program is designed to guide you step by step in accessing and understanding your records.
  • How much time will I need to dedicate to this program each week?
    I recommend setting aside about 3-4 hours per week to fully engage with the program materials, including the teachings, meditations, and Akashic exploration prompts. However, the beauty of this program is that it’s self-paced, so you can move through the content in a way that fits your schedule.
  • What if I can’t attend the live sessions?
    All live sessions, including the monthly Akashic group readings, will be recorded and available for you to watch at your convenience. You won’t miss out on any of the content or the insights shared, and you can revisit the sessions as often as you like.
  • What kind of support will I receive during the program?
    You’ll have access to a private Telegram group where you can connect with fellow participants, share your experiences, and receive support. I’ll also be actively involved in the group, providing guidance, answering questions, and offering additional insights to help you on your journey.
  • How is this program different from other spiritual or self-development programs?
    Akashic Soul Code Activation goes beyond surface-level teachings. It’s a deep, soul-level journey that empowers you to access your own Akashic Records and uncover your unique Soul Code. The program combines spiritual wisdom with practical tools to help you achieve real, lasting transformation.
  • What results can I expect by the end of the program?
    By the end of the 4-month journey, you can expect to have a clear understanding of your Soul Code, a stronger connection to your soul’s purpose, and the confidence to align your life with your divine blueprint. You’ll have the tools to continue exploring the Akashic Records on your own and the clarity to make empowered decisions that reflect your true self.
  • Is there a payment plan available?
    Yes, I offer flexible payment plans to make the program accessible to as many people as possible. You can choose the option that best fits your financial situation when you enroll.
  • What if I start the program and realize it’s not for me?
    I’m absolutely open to discussing this with you and finding a solution that feels good. Just reach out to me privately via email and we’ll figure it out.
  • Can I continue accessing the program content after the 4 months are over?
    Absolutely! You’ll have lifetime access to all the course materials, including recordings of the live sessions, so you can revisit the content whenever you need to refresh your knowledge or dive deeper into your Soul Code.
  • What happens after I complete the program?
    After completing the program, you’ll have the opportunity to continue your journey with advanced offerings, alumni groups, or private Akashic mentorship for even deeper exploration and integration of your Soul Code.
  • Customer
  • Payment

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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment of $2444$2444.00
  • Preferred option
    2 monthly payments of $12222x $1222.00
  • Preferred option
    4 monthly payments of $6474x $647.00
  • Preferred option
    6 monthly payments of $4276x $427.00
  • Preferred option
    12 Bi-weekly payments of $21712x $217.00

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Akashic Soul Code Activation$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xAkashic Soul Code Activation$0

All prices in USD