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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

This is a 7-day Telegram broadcast designed to help you up level your relationship with money and upgrade your money codes.

How it works:
Each day from July 1-9 (excluding weekends), you will receive a money transmission from Amy in Telegram.

 It starts with you, friend. 
 It starts with us. 
WE are the ones who are doing it. We are releasing old programs, healing past Timelines, and moving into the Highest, most beautiful version of reality available to us. 

That not only includes Money… but it is BUILT on a healthy, free & prosperous relationship with Money. 

It's time to upgrade your money codes so you can:
• Quantum Leap your income,
• exit the false matrix rat-race,
• and do your part to usher in the Universal Prosperity paradigm of New Earth ️

  • Total payment
  • 1xMini Money Manifestation Broadcast$88

All prices in USD
